Chukotkan Autonomous Okrug
Physical geography and climate Population, economic development and infrastructure Indigenous land use and dependence on the environment Environmental threats Map (1997) Article collection
Article collectionEthnography, culture and language
Ethnography: Siberian Yupik W. Dallmann 1997, INSROP Working paper 90
Ethnography: Chukchi W. Dallmann and G. Diachkova 1999, ANSIPRA Bulletin No. 3
Ethnography: Kerek W. Dallmann and G. Diachkova 2000, ANSIPRA Bulletin No. 4
Ethnography: Chuvan W. Dallmann 2005, Encyclopedia of the Arctic, Routledge
Ethnography: Even W. Dallmann 1997, INSROP Working paper 90
Will Eskimos live in Chukotka in the third millenium?
Lyudmila Bogoslovskaya, Russian Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage, 2001
Field Research in Siberia: Lessons in Socialism and Social Change
Patty Gray and Florian Stammler, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale), May 2002
About native Chukotka in native language N. Noskova, 2001
Politics, traditional occupations and social life
Reindeer breeders in Chukotka conclude autumn round-up
October 2005
Workshop "Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic: Inuit, Saami, Indig, Peoples of Chukotka"
L. Abryutina, from “Mir Korennykh Narodov – Zhivaya Arktika” No.15, 2004
Renewed spirit of hope, energy, and resilience among Inuit in Chukotka
Inuit Circumpolar Conference, Canada – Media Release 3 July 2003
A letter about problems of Omolon reindeer herders
A.V. Rypalo, translated from “Mir Korennykh Narodov – Zhivaya Arktika” No. 9-10, 2002
Bering Strait: New head of the Chukotka is more open to the west
"Anchorage Daily News", 16 October 2001
Urgent appeal for assistence: Chukotka (April 2000)
Critical contitions in Chukotka (November 1999)Georesources
Digging in deep: Mining impact on Russia's indigenous peoples M. Jones, July 2005
Reindeer breeder to pay fine for cutting down 19 trees RAIPON, 2005
Chukotka and ICC Galina Diachkova, September 2001
ICC Aid to Chukotka Helle Goldman, ANSIPRA, April 1999
Charitable public foundation Yaran’y, Chukotka I.S. Vukvukay, 2003
The community Akkani, Chukotka G.V. Inankeuyas, 2003
Association of Traditional Marine Mammal Hunters of Chukotka Eduard Zdor, 2003
Abstainers’ Association of Chukotka
L. Vykvyragtyrgyrgyna, President, Abstainers’ Association of Chukotka, Spring 2002
My Markovo Lev Treshchenko, President “My Markovo” Association, 2001
Yupik Society Lyudmila Aynana, President,“Yupik” Society, 2001
Chukotka welfare programme "Unpener" (December 2000)
The Anadyr Society for Sobriety, "Doverie" ("Trust") (July 2000)
Doctors of the World: soon a decade of humanitarian action in Chukotka
Yvon Csonka, University of Neuchatel, July 2000