Kamchatka Region and Koryak Autonomous Okrug
Physical geography and climate Population, economic development and infrastructure Indigenous land use and dependence on the environment Environmental threats Map (1997) Article collection
Article collectionEthnography, culture and language
Ethnography: Koryak W. Dallmann 1997, INSROP Working paper 90
Ethnography: Alyutor W. Dallmann and G. Diachkova 2000, ANSIPRA Bulletin No. 4
Ethnography: Itelmen and Kamchadal W. Dallmann 1997, INSROP Working paper 90
Ethnography: Chukchi W. Dallmann and G. Diachkova 1999, ANSIPRA Bulletin No. 3
Ethnography: Even W. Dallmann 1997, INSROP Working paper 90
Ethnography: Aleut W. Dallmann 1997, INSROP Working paper 90
Birch-bark craftsmen V. Mikhailova, 2005
Keepers of ethnic arts and crafts L.G. Ignatenko, 2004
Salmon festival "Let's help the river "Avacha" L.G. Ignatenko, August 2004
International significance of the Itelmen culture of southern Kamchatka
Petr Bekkerov, Vasiliy Deschenko and Shevtsov V.D., 2003
Significance of protecting sacred sites of the Arctic’s indigenous peoples. Project
M.A. Todyshev, from "Mir Korennykh Narodov - Zhivaya Arktika" No. 9-10, 2002
How to save the Itelmen language
V.I. Uspenskaya, “Aborigen Kamchatki”, from "Mir Korennykh Narodov - Zhivaya Arktika" No. 8, 2001
The history of reindeer herding in the Bystrinskiy Region of Kamchatka, Olga Murashko, IWGIA, from "Mir Korennykh Narodov - Zhivaya Arktika" No. 3, 2000Politics, traditional occupations and social life
Every river in Koryakia will have its owner
Information agency KAMVESTI, October 2005
Children of the North - our pain A. Skryagin, 2005
I've become a fisherwoman and I enjoy it
I. Kvasova, translated from "Mir Korennykh Narodov – Zhivaya Arktika" No. 14, 2004
Aborigines and "aliens": Who of them feel like masters on the Koryak land?
V.V. Romanyuk, translated from "Mir Korennykh Narodov - Zhivaya Arktika" No. 14, 2004
Life in the village today Vladimir Vladimirovich Kovavna, village Khaylino, June 2003
"Asphalt Koryaks": How this problem came about and who is to sort it out
Olga Murashko, translated from “Mir Korennykh Narodov – Zhivaya Arktika” No. 13, 2003
Clan-based community – necessary for stable and efficient indigenous employment in the Koryak Auton. Okrug S. Lebedev, translated from “Mir Korennykh Narodov – Zhivaya Arktika” No. 8, 2001
Declaration of the public organisations of the Kamchatka Oblast (2000)
Indigenous women in a new social reality Nina Zaporotskaya, Kovran, 2000
Reindeer breeding in the Koryak Autonomous Okrug (November 1999)
Indigenous enterprise project to develop the fishing industry (November 1999)
The village Paren' needs help (November 1999)
We must realize ourselves for our future, Nadezhda I. Marinenko, June 1999
Digging in deep: Mining impact on Russia's indigenous peoples M. Jones, July 2005
A nature reserve off the western coast of Kamchatka?
Lach Ethno-Ecological Information Center, July 2005
Whoever in Kamchatka needs oil?
Andrey Yablochkov, translated from “Mir Korennykh Narodov – Zhivaya Arktika” No. 14, 2004
Indigenous peoples and oil
Nina Zaporotskaya and Olga Murashko, translated from "Mir Korennykh Narodov – Zhivaya Arktika" No. 9-10, 2002
Canadians see gold in Russian paradise, "The Globe and Mail", August 2000
Disturbing news from Kamchatka, O. Murashko, IWGIA,
translated from "Mir Korennykh Narodov - Zhivaya Arktika" No. 4, 2000Legal issues
Opinion of a Kamchatkan representative about the problem of TTNU
E. Slobodchikov, from “Mir Korennykh Narodov – Zhivaya Arktika” No. 14, 2004
"Tkhsanom" - A collective appeal RAIPON, April 2001
Appeal from the indigenous population of Kamchatka Spring 2001
UNDP in Kamchatka, Collected documents, 2003
RAIPON's first information centre in Kamchatka
N. Zporotskaya, RAIPON Kamchatka, 2000
Organisational seminar of the Kamchatka Information Center of the Indigenous Peoples of the North
Anastasiya Chukhman, 2001
Aborigenka Galina Valentinovna Popova, Chairman of OZhO MNS "Aborigenka", 2002
Newspaper "Aborigen Kamchatki" (2005)
Newspaper "Aborigen Kamchatki" (2005)