English translation from the official periodical of RAIPON “Мир коренных народов - живая арктика” (Indigenous Peoples’ World - Living Arctic) No. 16, 2005

Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation established

M. Fradkov, Chairman of the RF Government
Moscow , October 1, 2004 , N 1504

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation (RF) of 13 September 2004 , No. 1168, “On the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation ”, the Government of the Russian Federation ordains:

1. The RF Ministry of Regional Development is a federal body of executive power to fulfill the function of the development of the state policy and legal regulation in the sphere of socio-economic development of the regional entities of the RF, federal and ethnic relations, delimitation of authority on matters of joint competence of the RF and the regional entities of the RF, local self-administration, frontier cooperation, development of the regions of the Extreme North and the Arctic, protection of the rights of ethnic minorities, the native environment and traditional lifestyle of indigenous peoples and ethnic communities[1].

2. The RF Ministry of Regional Development – on the basis of and in order to fulfill the Constitution of the RF, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, federal enactments by the President of the RF and the Government of the RF – shall perform independently legal regulation, and also develop and submit to the Government of the RF drafts of federal constitutional laws, federal laws, enactments by the President of the RF, including those on the following issues:

а) refinement of federal relations, development of local self-administration, regulation of inter-ethnic relations in the RF;

b) socio-economic development of the regional entities of the RF and municipal units;

c) monitoring of the socio-economic processes in the regional entities of the RF and municipal units;

d) delimitation of the authority between the administrative bodies of the RF, the administrative bodies of the regional entities of the RF and municipalities;

e) changes in the ethnic and state and administrative-territorial structure of the RF;

f) frontier cooperation;

g) development of the regions of the Extreme North and the Arctic ;

h) protection of the rights of ethnic minorities;

i) protection of the traditional environment and traditional lifestyles of indigenous peoples and ethnic communities1.

3. The RF Ministry of Regional Development shall be allowed to have two Deputy Ministers and up to 7 departments along the main directions of the Ministry’s activities.

4. The maximum number of employees at the central office of the Ministry of Regional Development shall be 240 man-years (not including personnel servicing the premises) and the salary schedule of the aforesaid employees shall be 167.302 million rubles quaterly.

5. The proposal of the RF Ministry of Regional Development regarding the location of its central office in Moscow shall be agreed upon.

6. The RF Ministry of Regional Development shall within two weeks file the draft Ministry Status and respective proposals on changes of the enactments by the President of the RF and the Government of the RF.

[1] bold type by the Editorial Office (RAIPON)